Doctoral Degree in Environmental Science
The Environmental Science
Doctoral Program was opened in 2016 based on the Decree of the Minister of
Research Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number
90/KPT/I/2016 dated February 9, 2016 concerning the Opening of Study Programs
at Udayana University in Denpasar. The Environmental Science Doctoral Study
Program has also been accredited in accordance with the Decree of the National
Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number:
4408/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/VIII/2020 concerning the Accreditation Rating of the
Environmental Science Study Program at the Udayana University Doctoral Program,
Badung Regency, dated August 4, 2020, with a B Rating.
Environmental science is a
multi-disciplinary field of science, meaning that to study environmental
problems requires the involvement of various aspects or other fields of
science. In solving environmental problems, integration of other fields is
needed. Indonesia is a developing country. Environmental Science Doctoral
Program, PPs, Udayana University Development is the answer to population
growth; on the other hand, the natural environment will be the target of
management. As is known, development has three main pillars: social, economic,
and environmental. The balance of the three pillars must be maintained for
sustainable development to occur. Various conflicts will occur if there is an
imbalance. This is the challenge ahead: how to implement science and technology
in the environmental field. This foundation, combined with internal and
external analysis and data and information from related components, including
the results of tracer studies, then compiled a profile of graduates of the
Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program of the Udayana University
Postgraduate Program as academics, researchers, and professional practitioners
in the field of environmental management.
In detail, the profile of
graduates of the Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program of the Udayana
University Postgraduate Program is as follows: "become academics,
researchers, or practitioners who have exemplary attitudes and good scientific
ethics. Mastering the concepts, theories, and methods of the field of
environmental science and being able to show reliable and up-to-date
performance innovations from the knowledge they master. Implementation of new
findings related to environmental science that are needed by the community at
large at the regional, national, and international levels Able to master
research in the field of environmental science, able to develop knowledge and
technology in the field of environmental science, professional practice through
research, to produce innovative and tested work, able to solve problems of
science and technology in the field of environmental science through an inter
or multidisciplinary approach, able to manage research and development that is
beneficial to society and science, and able to get national and international
recognition ".
The Environmental Science
Doctoral Program has two concentrations, namely: 1. Sustainable
Environmental Management
2. Environmental Remote
Sensing and Disaster Management | Informasi : o Website: o Phone (0361) 223797; FAX (0361) 247962 |