Vission, Mission and Goals
Based on the Postgraduate Strategic Plan 2020-2024, the vision, mission and goals of Udayana University Postgraduate Program were formed as follows:
Udayana University Postgraduate Vision
The realization of a Udayana University Postgraduate Program that is able to produce excellent, independent, and cultured graduates
Udayana University Postgraduate Mission
To achieve the vision that has been set, the missions set for the management of the Udayana University Postgraduate Program are:
1. Organizing quality higher education and science and technology development and producing graduates who have morals, ethics, and high competence and integrity in accordance with KKNI, SNDikti, and the demands of local, national, and international communities.
2. The development of quality research and community service in accordance with SNDikti, the development of science and technology for the benefit of society, nation, and world,.
3. Increasing the capacity of postgraduate university human resources towards excellent service and customer satisfaction.
4. Improvement and utilization of international standard infrastructure facilities.
5. Improving governance, strengthening accountability, and structuring organizational structures that are efficient, effective, transparent, and accountable.
6. Development of cooperation among various parties to improve the quality of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
Udayana University Postgraduate Objectives
To carry out the mission that has been set, the Udayana University Postgraduate Program has the following objectives:
1. Having the ability to develop and update science, technology and / or art by mastering and understanding approaches, methods, and scientific principles accompanied by skills in applying them;
2. Having the ability to solve problems in their field of expertise through research and development activities based on scientific principles;
3. Have the ability to develop their professional performance which is indicated by the sharpness of problem analysis, the adequacy of the review, the cohesiveness of problem solving or the profession in their respective fields of science;
4. Have the ability to formulate approaches to solving various problems in society by means of scientific reasoning in accordance with their respective fields of science.