Collaborating with P3E KLHK RI, Postgraduate Unud Holds Public Lecture

On June 25, 2024, the Postgraduate Program of Udayana University (Unud), in collaboration with the Bali and Nusa Tenggara Ecoregion Development Control Center (P3E Bali Nusra), held a public lecture entitled Transglobal Leadership for Sustainability. This public lecture event presented the Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (Secretary General of KLHK RI), Dr. Ir. Bambang Hendroyono, MM, IPU, as a guest speaker who discussed the importance of global leadership for sustainable Indonesia. Approximately 150 people, including students and lecturers in the Unud environment, participated in this activity, which was also attended by the leadership of the Unud Postgraduate Program and the leadership and staff of P3E KLHK RI. 

The Secretary General of KLHK RI who currently also serves as a lecturer at Brawijaya University Malang said that Transglobal Leadership is the key to success in realizing sustainability, this topic also led him to get his Doctorate at Brawijaya University. "Transglobal leadership will be felt when we fully understand that leadership does not just happen, but needs a long process and good leadership practices," said Dr. Bambang Hendroyono. So with this public lecture, Dr. Bambang hopes that this material will be useful for all participants, especially for students who are in the process.

One view with Dr. Bambang, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, S.P., M.P., IPU ASEAN Eng as Director of Postgraduate Unud also said that transglobal leadership is very important to understand. "To realize the sustainability of the State of Indonesia, it must begin with leadership, if the leader understands sustainability, he will be able to encourage his environment and his institution to contribute to sustainable development," said Prof. WBA. In this case, Unud has tried to start by internalizing sustainability or sustainability science into the curriculum as an implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. "One of the concrete manifestations that we have done is to invite 28 study programs at the direction of the leadership of Udayana University to internalize sustainability science courses into the Udayana University Master Program Guidebook and have started from 2022, and have also been updated in 2024".

Formally, Unud has internalized sustainability into education (curriculum) so that it is hoped that students at Unud will increasingly understand the importance of sustainability science. And through public lectures that raise the theme of sustainability like this, it is also expected to enrich the literacy of students and lecturers about sustainability. (bmp)