Collaboration between JICA SDGs Project, SDGs Center Unud and Bappeda Bali Province Agreed to Strengthen the Framework for SDGs Implementation in Bali

Located in Sandat Room, Bali Province Bappeda, on July 23, 2024, from 13.00 to 14.30 Wita, a meeting on Strengthening the SDGs Implementation Framework for Local Government was held. 

Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, S.P., M.P., IPU, ASEAN Eng, as Chairman of SDGs Center Unud, introduced Hisaaki Mitsui as JICA SDGs Project Team Leader, accompanied by Michael Permana Rinaldi (Senior Researcher of JICA SDGs Project) and Dr. I Ketut Surya Diarta, S.P., M.A. (Secretary of SDGs Center Unud). The visit was welcomed very well by Ida Bagus Gde Wesnawa Punia, S.T., M.Si., as the Head of Governance and Human Development, and a number of staff. Prof. Budiasa confirmed that this meeting was a follow-up meeting from the previous meeting between the JICA SDGs Project (represented by Michael Permana Rinaldi, accompanied by the Head of SDGs Center Unud), the Head of PPM, and staff representing Bappeda of Bali Province, which was held on July 15, 2024, at the Postgraduate Building of Udayana University.


Hisaaki Mitsui explained that this meeting was an implementation of cooperation between the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in the context of implementing Presidential Regulation 59 of 2017 which was renewed by Presidential Regulation 111 of 2022 on the Implementation of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia. The period of the JICA SDGs Project starts from December 2023 to November 2026. Currently, the JICA SDGs Project is entering phase II with the aim to strengthen the implementation capacity of SDGs of local governments in five selected provinces as Pilot Projects, namely North Sumatra Province, DKI Jakarta Province, East Kalimantan Province, Bali Province, and South Sulawesi Province. The expected outputs of this project are (1) the existence of SDG/SDGs implementation mechanism in the selected provinces directly supported by SDGs Center, (2) the capacity building of monitoring and evaluation (e-MONEV) of SDG/SDGs Local Action Plan (RAD) for the selected provincial governments, and (3) the promotion of multi-stakeholder cooperation with non-governmental actors in the selected provinces in supporting the implementation and achievement of SDG/SDGs.


A good practice related to output 3 was shared by Hisaaki Mitsui, namely the SDGs Business Registration Program. A system for more than 100 local governments in Japan that nationally registers about 53,000 local businesses (most participants are MSMEs) that demonstrate a desire to achieve the SDGs. The program does not intend to reward companies for their achievements, but rather to register companies that are motivated to achieve SDGs in the future. All companies that meet certain requirements will be registered, and the requirements are not the same for each local government. Examples of SDGs company registration requirements in Nagano Prefectural government: (1) State management policies, etc. for achieving SDGs as well as priorities and targets for the three aspects of environment, social, and economy; (2) Describe 42 assessment points set by the local government as specific initiatives with respect to company activities related to SDGs, e.g. absence of sexual violence/harassment, occupational safety and health (OSH), etc. (self-assessment). The benefits for companies that have registered with the SDGs logo are easy promotion on local government websites, low-interest loan facilities, extra points when submitting tenders, and an improved company image, especially in labor recruitment, received facilities in business partner meetings. Mitsui added, Bali Province with tourism as the leading sector has the potential to adopt good practices in Japan.


Ida Bagus Wesnawa Punia, S.T., M.Si. responded positively to Mitsui's presentation. To achieve output 1, it is very important that JICA SDGs Project facilitates the human resources of District/City Bappeda to have equal and adequate understanding related to the implementation of SDGs in District/City throughout Bali. Previously, we have encouraged the establishment of SDGs Center Unud, and have received training from JICA SDGs Project. We hope that SDGs Center Unud together with JICA SDGs Project can facilitate the gathering of human resources of Bappeda Kabupaten/Kota throughout Bali to get training in advance so that they are ready and not confused in implementing SDGs. Related to output 2, we have compiled the RAD and we compiled the annual report that is mandated. The biggest problem we face is in collecting or fulfilling the data. Therefore, capacity building on monitoring and evaluation (e-MONEV) of SDGs Local Action Plan (RAD) for local governments is also very relevant. With the realization of outputs 1 and 2, it is easier to copy good practices in Japan to be applied in Bali Province as the implementation of output 3. Moreover, in Bali Province, the Social and Environmental Responsibility Forum (TJSL Forum) has been established based on the Bali Provincial Regulation No. 8 of 2023 on Corporate Social Responsibility, and Bali Governor Regulation No. 46 of 2023 on the Implementation Regulation of the regulation. This is expected to strengthen the implementation of output 3 of the JICA SDGs Project.


Dr. Surya Diarta added that related to the sustainable tourism sector, Bali needs to lead to quality tourism as mentioned by Mitsui-sensei and Pak Bagus Wesnawa because Bali has a certain carrying capacity. Community Based Quality Tourism (CBQT) is in line with the SDGs through standardization that refers to Permenparekraf Number 9 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism Destinations and international criteria from GSTC 2019 which have indeed integrated the SDGs into these standards / criteria. We can start CBQT from the village as a stronghold to save Bali from the onslaught of the tourism industry and mass tourism.