Committed to the Preservation of the Marine Environment, Postgraduate Unud Signs a Cooperation Agreement with the Westerlaken Alliance Indonesia Foundation.

Denpasar - Postgraduate Program of Udayana University (Unud) established a collaboration with the Westerlaken Alliance Indonesia Foundation, which was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the two parties located in Room 3.10 of the Postgraduate Building, Denpasar, on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. On this occasion, the Director of Postgraduate Unud, Koprodi Master of Environmental Science (MIL), Koprodi Master of Sustainable Development and Finance (MPKB), Ko. UPIKS and Co. UP3M Postgraduate, as well as the Trustees and staff of the Westerlaken Alliance Indonesia Foundation.

In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, SP., MP., IPU ASEAN Eng., Director of Postgraduate Unud, said that Postgraduate Unud welcomed the collaboration initiated by the Westerlaken Foundation. “We really welcome the signing of this collaboration. We are not only adding to the list of postgraduate cooperation partners, but this collaboration can further expand our wings in the environmental field so that our goal of sustainable development can be achieved in terms of environmental conservation, “he said. 

Prof. Ir. Ida Ayu Astarini, M.Sc., Ph.D, Koprodi Master of Environmental Science also expressed her gratitude for the signing of this collaboration and she also hopes that in the future it will not only be a document, but will be implemented seriously to broaden the insights and experiences of PSMIL students. “I think this collaboration is good for both parties, for information, PSMIL also has an UPSKILL program for foreign students and we want to add insight to students based on experience with visits to foundations that focus on the environment. We hope that students can gain insight based on experience and case studies that really happen, “added Prof. Dayu Asta.

The Westerlaken Alliance Indonesia Foundation led by Dr. Rodney Westerlaken, M.A., M.Si., M.Ed who is an alumnus of PSMIL Postgraduate Unud is engaged in environmental conservation, especially on issues of marine environmental conservation and is committed to increasing public awareness of the importance of marine conservation. The programs initiated by this foundation refer to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 14, namely “Life Below Water” which aims to preserve and sustainably utilize marine resources, oceans, and maritime ecosystems for sustainable development. 

“Through this collaboration, we hope to expand the reach and impact of the foundation's programs by involving students, the active participation of students in this activity will not only provide practical experience and new knowledge, but also foster a sense of social responsibility and concern for the environment”, said Dr. Rodney Westerlaken.

In closing, Dr. Rodney invited all parties involved in this cooperation agreement to work together with passion and dedication to preserve the marine environment. (bmp)