Guarding the Learning Process of PMDSU Students, Postgraduate Unud Conducts Evaluation of Semester I Study Progress

Udayana University Postgraduate (Unud) is again trusted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) as one of the organizers of the VII batch of Master's to Doctoral Education scholarships for Superior Scholars (PMDSU), which began in 2023. In this VII batch, Postgraduate Unud received two students who were competent and met the selection requirements for PMDSU scholarship recipients and selection from Unud. In its implementation, the Ministry of Education and Culture requires that the organizing universities have a special escort unit team that aims to support the success of the PMDSU program, among others, by graduating on time and meeting the required international publication provisions. With this obligation in mind, Postgraduate Unud conducted an evaluation of study progress for students receiving PMDSU Batch VII scholarships in semester I on Thursday, January 4, 2024.

Having the opportunity to attend this evaluation activity were the Director of Postgraduate Unud, Deputy Directors, the Kawal Unit Team, the relevant Study Program Coordinators (Koprodi), Promoters, and PMDSU scholarship recipient students. In his remarks, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, SP., MP., IPU ASEAN Eng, as Director of Postgraduate Unud, said that this evaluation activity is not only an obligation as an organizer but also a forum for discussion so that the implementation of this program runs smoothly. "It is hoped that through this evaluation activity it can become a place to discuss if there are obstacles in the implementation of this program. Please convey what the obstacles are so that we can discuss and find solutions together so that the implementation of the program runs smoothly," he said.

Prof. dr. Pande Putu Januraga, M.Kes, DrPH, as the promoter of Ni Kadek Sudastri, a scholarship recipient student, expressed his appreciation for the implementation of this program and suggested that the promotion of this program be expanded so that it could attract more students. In line with Prof. Pande's suggestion, Prof. Ir. I Wayan Redana, M.A.Sc., Ph.D., who is the promoter of I Kadek Edy Suhendrawan, also conveyed the same thing so that the reach of this scholarship program is wider. In addition, the promoters also reported on the progress of the studies of their students, where, until now, the students have completed half of the total Semester Credit Units (SKS) that must be undertaken in pursuing a master's education. This is a good development considering the target timeline that students must pass in order to graduate on time.

"In organizing the next batch of PMDSU, Postgraduate Unud really hopes to be able to contribute more, both in terms of students and organizing study programs, not only in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality. It is also very much expected to contribute more as well." concluded Prof. Budiasa. (bmp)