Improve Academic quality and postgraduate conduct Revision of Masters and Doctoral Academic Handbooks

In order to maintain and improve academic quality at Udayana University (Udayana University) Postgraduate Program, the Revision Committee for the Preparation of Academic Guidelines (Pedomics) Masters and Doctorates held a discussion meeting on the revision of the master and doctoral pedomics book, Friday (7/21) which was attended by Plt. Postgraduate Director, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, SP., MP., IPU, ASEAN Eng, Deputy Director for General Affairs, Finance and Cooperation, Dr. I Gusti Ayu Putri Kartika, SH., MH, the Coordinators of the Study Program (Prodi) under Postgraduate Unud, the Revision Team for the Preparation of Master Pedomics chaired by Prof. Ir. Ida Ayu Astarini, M.Sc., Ph.D as the Coordinator of the Master of Environmental Science Study Program and the Doctoral Pedomics Revision Team chaired by Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Arthana, MS, as the Coordinator of the Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program.

The Pedomik Book is a signpost that is used as a reference in planning, processing, and evaluating academic activities at Postgraduate Unud. The points in this guidebook regulate how the academic process in Postgraduate Unud is carried out, starting from the requirements, procedures for admitting new students, curriculum, learning process, academic sanctions, and examination procedures from the beginning to the final exam. This pedomic book is a derivative of the Master's and Doctoral Pedomic books that have been made by the University and adjusted to the capabilities of the study program.

"We made a revision of this pedomic book in general at the UPPS (Study Program Management Unit-eed) level; for more specific technicalities later, we hope that each study program will also make pedomics because this Postgraduate Program is a multidisciplinary study program, so it is impossible to make one pedomic that can accommodate all study programs; the rest specifically can be explained in the pedomics of each study program tailored to the specificities of the study program, "said the Pt. Postgraduate Director.

At this discussion meeting, there were several revision points, among others: Changes in Postgraduate Vision and Mission; Study Period limits; Changes in New Student Admission requirements; Curriculum, etc., which still refer to the university pedomics book. (bmp)