Postgraduate Program of Unud Signs Cooperation Agreement with the Center for Education of the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries in Bogor

In order to coordinate the implementation of study assignments for civil servants (PNS) of the Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries (KKP) at partner universities, the Center for Education of the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries held a 2023 Study Assignment Coordination Meeting in Bogor on November 27–29, 2023. Udayana University (Unud), particularly its Postgraduate Program, is one of 17 universities throughout Indonesia that is the destination of the KKP civil servants' master and doctoral study assignments, for which the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) is needed. On this occasion, Postgraduate Unud was represented by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs and Planning, Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Ni Nyoman Pujianiki, ST., MT., IPM, ASEAN Eng, who was also accompanied by the Coordinator of the Information and Cooperation Management Unit, Dr. Ir. Ngurah Indra ER, ST, M.Sc.

In addition to the signing of the PKS, another important activity organized was the presentation of the development of KKP civil servants' study assignments at each KKP partner university. Currently, one KKP civil servant, Mr. Rodo Lasniroha, is taking a study assignment at the Postgraduate Master of Environmental Science (PSMIL) Study Program of Postgraduate Unud. Mr. Rodo, who works daily at the Denpasar Coastal and Marine Resource Management Center (BPSPL), is currently pursuing his master's degree in the first semester, with a concentration in coastal environmental studies. In his presentation, Prof. Pujianiki said that Mr. Rodo is currently studying diligently and enthusiastically, so that in this first semester he has the potential to get good study results. "Seeing Mr. Rodo's enthusiasm for learning and attending lectures, we have confidence that the results will be satisfactory," said Prof. Pujianiki.

Furthermore, Prof. Pujianiki also took advantage of the opportunity to convey the socialization of study programs and professional programs managed by Postgraduate Unud, namely the Doctor of Environmental Science, Master of Environmental Science, Professional Engineer Program, Master of Occupational Physiology Ergonomics, Master of Health Law, and Master of Sustainable Development and Finance. The emphasis on socialization is given to master and doctoral programs in environmental science that are closely related to the marine and fisheries sectors.

Prof. Pujianiki gives her explanation, starting from the student admission process, lecture methods, description of courses per semester, double-degree potential, field work practice locations for master students, and graduation requirements that must be met by students. The presentation was warmly welcomed by the participants, and in particular, the moderator of the discussion emphasized the attractiveness of Bali as a place to study. With this activity, it is hoped that more KKP civil servants will choose to pursue education at Postgraduate Unud. (nie)