Preparing PJJ Courses, the Postgraduate Program Holds an RPS Workshop

The Semester Learning Plan (RPS) is one of the main weapons for lecturers to carry out the first dharma, namely the implementation of education. In order to enrich literacy about RPS, Postgraduate Udayana University (Unud) held a Workshop on the preparation of RPS on Monday, July 24, 2023. Located in the Hall Room of the Postgraduate Building 3rd Floor, Postgraduate Unud brought in two speakers who were competent in discussing the preparation of the RPS, namely Prof. Ir. I Made Supartha Utama, MS., Ph.D., who is a member of the Higher Education Curriculum Development at the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, and the second speaker, Prof. Dr. Ir. G.P. Ganda Putra, MP, as Coordinator of the LP3M Unud Curriculum Development Center. The workshop was hosted by Prof. Ir. Ida Ayu Astarini, M.Sc., Ph.D., as the moderator. This activity invited all Postgraduate leaders and Permanent Lecturers of the Study Program (DTPS), both domiciled and teaching in the Study Program, totaling 117 people.

In line with the Unud Postgraduate Plan, which will carry out Distance Learning (PJJ) Course activities, the preparation of this RPS is very important to determine how the implementation of education will be in the future. "The needs of organizing education today have shifted; we can no longer rely solely on organizing education conventionally or offline; many prospective students are interested in studying if the implementation is carried out online. To accommodate this request, Postgraduate plans to carry out PJJ courses. In preparation, an RPS is needed that can fulfill the implementation of PJJ. If this RPS has met the National Higher Education Standards (SNDIKTI), then the implementation will run well and be of high quality ", said the Plt. Director of Postgraduate Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, SP., MP., IPU ASEAN Eng, in his speech.

In his speech too, the plenary director asked all Study Programs in Postgraduate to improve preparation for the implementation of PJJ Courses through the OASE application. (bmp)