Releasing 125 Prospective Graduates, Director of Post-Unud: There's Still a Long Way to Go

Denpasar, Tuesday (13/02), the Postgraduate Program of Udayana University (Udayana University) held the inauguration of engineers and the release of prospective graduates in the context of the 158th Graduation Period of Udayana University, which will be held on Saturday, February 17, 2024, tomorrow. The activity, which took place in the Hall Room of the Udayana University Postgraduate Building, was attended by 125 prospective graduates, including 1 prospective graduate from the Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program (PDIL), 2 people from the Environmental Science Master Study Program (PSMIL), and 122 people from the Professional Engineer Program Study Program (PSPPI).

Until this morning's activities, Postgraduate Unud has successfully graduated 8 students from the Doctoral Program, 563 people from the Masters Program, and 697 people from the Professional Engineer Program. The average distribution of the length of study at the release of the first period of 2024 is 10 semesters for the doctoral program, 5 semesters for the masters program, and 1 semester for the professional engineer program. This average length of study has met the target achievement of graduating on time from Postgraduate Unud.

Not only released, in this activity there were also 122 new engineers inaugurated by the Director of Postgraduate Unud. In conjunction with the inauguration activities, the Oath of Office of Engineers was also taken by the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) Center, represented by Ir. Dandung Sri Harninto, MT, IPU, Deputy Secretary General of the PII Center, and followed by all new engineer candidates. Chairman of PII Bali Region, Dr. Ir. Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, ST, MA, IPU, ASEAN Eng., who also attended this activity, congratulated all new engineers from PSPPI Postgraduate Unud. "Congratulations to all the new engineers who have been inaugurated today, but don't take a long break; immediately continue the struggle to become a professional engineer to get the ASEAN Eng title," said Ketum PII Bali Region.

"Congratulations to all prospective graduates and new engineers who have been inaugurated. Continue the struggle; there is still a long way to go. Graduation is not the end, but a new page for a better life, "said Prof. Wayan Budiasa, Director of Postgraduate Unud. Not forgetting on this occasion, Prof. Budiasa also expressed his gratitude for his trust in choosing Postgraduate Unud as an institution in pursuing education and is expected not to forget the alma mater and always contribute and constructive input for the improvement of educational services in Postgraduate Unud in particular and at Udayana University in general. (bmp)