Students of the Master of Health Law Study Program, Master of Environmental Science, and Doctor of Environmental Science Postgraduate Program Follow the public lecture on sustainable analysis.

Denpasar - Postgraduate Program of Udayana University (Udayana University) held a public lecture for students of the Master of Health Law Study Program, Master of Environmental Science, and Doctor of Environmental Science Postgraduate Program of Udayana University with the topic of sustainability analysis (multiaspect sustainability analysis (MSA) and, Monday (March 13, 2023).


The Sustainability Analysis Public Lecture presented Dr. Irman Firmansyah, S. Hut., M. Si., as a resource person and Prof. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, S. P., M. P., Deputy Director of Academic Affairs of Postgraduate Unud, as moderator. The speakers were Lecturers of Postgraduate PSL-IPB Bogor, the Executive Director of System Dynamics Center (SDC) Indonesia, the Director of Powersim Software Indonesia, the CEO of Exsimpro Software, and the Chairman of the Indonesian Association of System Dynamics Experts (ASDI). More than 30 scientific journals (national and international) and more than 50 environmental and system dynamics studies, as well as more than 25 strategic environmental and sustainable food and agricultural land studies (KLHS, RDTR, RTRW, RPJMN, zoning and special areas, islands, state borders, and LP2B), have been carried out. His expertise is in using, dissecting, and designing various software related to system dynamics analysis (, multi-aspect sustainability analysis (, and most recently, MSA in tourism (


This public lecture activity aims to provide literacy to Udayana University postgraduate students and lecturers about the existence and use of various analytical tools that are very practical, very helpful, and very useful related to sustainability analysis. Especially for the Udayana University Masters Program, which is required to hold a sustainability science course, the literacy of multiaspect sustainability analysis is considered very important. UNESCO also mandates that education in higher education must refer to "education for sustainable development" (EfSD). The expected outputs of this public lecture activity include the implementation of public lectures by experts outside Udayana University, increasing the literacy of Udayana University postgraduate students and lecturers related to various analytical tools that are very practical, very useful, and very helpful in sustainability analysis.


"Participants were very enthusiastic about participating in this public lecture because the speakers were very good at introducing various software equipped with various cases and best practices for using the software. The resource person is also good at answering various questions from the audience regarding the weaknesses and advantages of existing analytical tools so that the audience will be directed to choose which analytical tool is most suitable for use in solving the problems they face," said Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, S.P., M.P., Deputy Director of Academic Affairs of Postgraduate Unud.


Lecturers and students who are interested in exploring the software and participating in various trainings related to system dynamics analysis and multi-aspect sustainability analysis can contact Dr. Widhianthini, S.P., M.Si. (Chairperson of DPW ASDI Bali Province, WA: +62 821-1169-1261) or Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Budiasa, S.P., M.P. (Board of Trustees of DPW ASDI Bali Province, WA: +62 822-3652-9000). (bmp)