Udayana University Postgraduate Environmental Science Doctoral Program Visits Bumi Melayu for Comparative Study, Socialization, and Promotion

With regard to the comparative study work program, socialization and promotion in the context of cooperation and improving the quality of management, as well as preparation for the admission of new students to the Udayana University Postgraduate Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program (PDIL Pasca Unud) for the 2023-2024 academic year, the Coordinator of the Udayana University Postgraduate Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Wayan Arthana, MS, paid a visit to the Jambi University Postgraduate Program and the Jambi Provincial Environmental Service on June 5-8, 2023. The activity began with a visit to the Jambi University Postgraduate, which was received directly by the Postgraduate Director, Prof. Dr. H. Haryadi, S.E., M.MS, accompanied by Dr. Sri Rahayu, S.E., M.S.A.Ak (Deputy Director for Academic and Student Affairs), Prof. Dr. Ir. Adriani, M.Si (Deputy Director for General and Financial Affairs), Coordinator of the Jambi University Postgraduate Master of Environmental Science Study Program, and Coordinator of the Jambi University Environmental Study Center. The socialization event was also attended by students and lecturers from Jambi University Postgraduate, especially from the Master of Environmental Science Study Program. In his remarks, Prof. Haryadi thanked Prof. Arthana for visiting the Jambi University Postgraduate Program. He also added that, hopefully, in the future, he could establish sustainable cooperation with Postgraduate Unud and PDIL Post Unud. Meanwhile, Prof. Arthana, in his presentation, also expressed his gratitude for being accepted at Post Jambi University. Prof. Arthana hopes that there will be prospective PDIL Post-Unud students who come from PSMIL Post-Jambi University alumni. This visit is also intended to strengthen the relationship between environmental science and Indonesia, which has been incorporated into the Environmental Science Study Program Association (PEPSILI), he added.


The next day's visitor was the Jambi Provincial Environmental Office, which was received by the Head of the Pollution Control and Environmental Damage Division (PPKL) of the Jambi Provincial Environmental Office, Dr. Hj. Asnelly Ridha Daulay, who was accompanied by Jambi Provincial DLH staff. In her remarks, Dr. Asnelly revealed that she really hoped that one day there would be staff or colleagues at the DLH Jambi Province who could continue their studies at PDIL Pasca Unud, because it would be very in accordance with the tupoksi of those who work in the environmental service. In addition, he also expressed his gratitude because PDIL Pasca Unud was pleased to visit the DLH Jambi Province, so that it would add an alternative destination for continuing studies for his staff and colleagues. Meanwhile, Prof. Arthana hopes that in the future there can be cooperation with DLH Jambi both in the fields of education and research (DK).