Welcoming New Students for Masters, Doctoral, Professional, and Specialist Programs, Udayana University Holds an Initial Lecture

Jimbaran (1/3/2023): Located in the Widyasabha Auditorium Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus, Udayana University (Udayana University) held an initial lecture for students of the Masters, Doctoral, Professional, and Specialist Doctor Study Programs. The inaugural lecture, which was held in a hybrid manner, was attended by the rector of Udayana University, the chairman of the Senate, the vice rector for academic affairs, relevant deans and postgraduate directors, the head of the information resources unit (USDI), the chairperson of the journal and scientific publications (JUPI), the head of the UPT library, and 307 new students and 46 students who participated online.


"In total, for this even semester, there are 355 new students spread across seven faculties and postgraduate programs. Details of the number of new students based on the level of education show that for the doctoral study program level, there is only one person from the Animal Science Doctoral Study Program, the master's level has 66 students, and the professional level has 126 students spread across the Professional Engineer, Professional Pharmacist, and Professional Veterinarian Study Programs. "At the specialist level, there are a total of 162 students spread across 19 PPDS." Said the Director of Postgraduate Unud, Prof. Ir. Linawati, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D., in his report.


In this inaugural lecture activity, five speakers were presented who would give public lectures on the education system at Udayana University; how to carry out lectures in postgraduate programs to be on time; information technology services and information systems that new students need to know where all services are IT-based; journal and publication information; and library services at Udayana University.


Meanwhile, in his remarks, the Rector of Udayana University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M.Eng.Sc., IPU, welcomed new students who had joined various faculties and the Udayana University Postgraduate Program, not forgetting to thank them for choosing Udayana University as a place to pursue education. In his speech, the rector also reminded all new students to try to graduate on time. (bmp)